- ground-to-air
- ground-to-air interrogation
запрос типа земля-земля
English-Russian aviation dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian aviation dictionary. 2015.
ground-to-air — /grownd tooh air /, adj., adv. surface to air. [1915 20] * * * groundˈ to airˈ adjective (of a missile) aimed and fired from the ground at a target in the air • • • Main Entry: ↑ground * * * ground to air «GROWND tu AIR», adjective. directed from … Useful english dictionary
ground-to-air trajectory — zenitinė raketos trajektorija statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Trajektorija, kuri susidaro, kai raketa skrieja į oro taikinį. Ppr. visą kelią veikia varikliai; žemėjančio trajektorijos ruožo nėra. atitikmenys: angl. ground to air trajectory… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
ground-to-air trajectory — zenitinė raketos trajektorija statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Trajektorija, kuri susidaro, kai raketa lekia į oro taikinį. Paprastai visą kelią veikia varikliai; besileidžiančio trajektorijos ruožo nėra. atitikmenys:… … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas
ground-to-air — coming from the ground and rising into the air, shot from the ground at a target in the air … English contemporary dictionary
ground-to-air — /grownd tooh air /, adj., adv. surface to air. [1915 20] * * * … Universalium
ground-to-air — adjective fired from the ground at an aircraft in flight, or at an incoming missile … Wiktionary
ground-to-air communications — One way communication from stations or locations on the surface of the earth to aircraft (ICAO) … Aviation dictionary
Air Battle Manager — is a rated flying position in the United States Air Force. HistorySince 1999, Air Battle Manager has been a rated career field. This means that ABMs are career aviators who receive flight pay and must actively fly a certain number of months… … Wikipedia
international ground-to-air distress signals — Signals used by survivors to indicate messages to the rescue teams looking for them from the air. These signals should be made from fabric or parachutes, pieces of wood, stones, or any other available material. There should be as much color… … Aviation dictionary
air warfare — Military operations conducted by airplanes, helicopters, or other aircraft against aircraft or targets on the ground and in the water. Air warfare did not become important until World War I (1914–18). The British, French, German, Russian, and… … Universalium
Ground Defense Force! Mao-chan — Mao chan redirects here. For the figure skater often referred to in the Japanese press by that nickname, see Mao Asada. Earth Defender! Mao chan 陸上防衛隊まおちゃん (Ground Defense Force! Mao chan) Genre Comedy, Magical girl … Wikipedia